Picture it: sitting in the cool comfort of your home while the sweltering, humid heat of a North Carolina summer rages outdoors when you start to notice that your air conditioning is having a hard time keeping the temperature to what you have set on the thermostat. Having your air conditioning system malfunction during this time is no fun, as we rely on air conditioning to keep us cool and comfortable in our homes. As soon as you notice that your system is struggling to keep up with the cooling demands of your household, it is essential to schedule your air conditioning repair right away to avoid an exacerbation of the problem or risk your energy bill increasing greatly as your system struggles to keep up.
At Lonon, Heating, A/C and Air Quality, we offer prompt, dependable service from our trained, expert technicians to perform your air conditioning repair. Some of the early warning signs that your air conditioning system is not functioning optimally are decreased airflow through the vents, increased moisture or humid feeling in your home, warm air coming from your vents despite running the air conditioner, increasing power bills, strange noises coming from your unit, and even a musty smell in your home, as our air conditioning systems help keep moisture levels in the air under control.
Working quickly to eliminate your issues by choosing timely air conditioning repair will restore good airflow to your home, diminish the risks of rising energy bills, and bring back the comfort you and your family expect at home. Not all issues with your air conditioning system are huge repairs and may be something as small as a clogged line or an issue with the thermostat. Our trained technicians can easily diagnose and repair any issues with your unit, and you can rest assured that we will offer our best advice on how to best resolve your issue.