3 Reasons to Consider Humidifiers for Your Home

HomeBlog3 Reasons to Consider Humidifiers for Your Home

Most of us recognize the problems that can occur with too much humidity inside a home. Not only does this make it possible for mold to grow, but it can also lead to a sticky feeling and general discomfort. For many places, getting rid of humidity is preferable to adding more of it! However, here at Lonon Heating, A/C and Air Quality, we would like more people to recognize that it is not humidity itself that is the issue, but excessive humidity. Humidity is actually important for your comfort and even your health. Here are a few reasons you might want to consider humidifiers for your home.

3 Reasons to Consider Humidifiers for Your Home

  • Better sleep. For most people, sleeping in a dry climate can be uncomfortable. Sleeping in dry air can dry out nasal passages and the lining of your throat and mouth, which can be uncomfortable and even cause or worsen problems with snoring.
  • Better health. Dry air allows for many viruses to pass through intact, making it possible that you are more susceptible to cold and flu viruses in the air. Furthermore, dry air can be painful for your sinuses and throat.
  • Better skin. When the air is dry, it is much harder for your skin to retain moisture. When your skin is overly dry, it might feel itchy and tight. Furthermore, you might experience things like cracked or bleeding hands, particularly if you wash your hands more than most people. Humidifiers keep moisture in the air, which makes it easier for your skin to stay properly hydrated.

If you have questions about humidifiers, the ideal humidity level or how we can help you with whole-house humidifiers, please give us a call today.