Indoor Air Quality, Hickory, NC

HomeAir Quality, Hickory, NCIndoor Air Quality, Hickory, NC

Your indoor air quality can impact the environment of your home.

Believe it or not, one of the biggest things that can impact the quality of your home life is something that you can’t even see. That’s right – if you have poor air quality in your home, you might find yourself with breathing issues, health problems, or skin irritation, and no one wants to have to constantly deal with that. Luckily, there are many ways that you can improve the indoor air quality of your home.

Indoor Air Quality in Hickory, North Carolina

You might be wondering, “Why does my indoor air quality affect me?” Well, as air is circulated through your home, there are tiny particles of harmful contaminants that can get swept up and distributed. A few of these contaminants include chemicals, smoke, pesticides, mold, dust, pollen, and allergens. These contaminants can come from anywhere, whether you bring it with you from outside, or you’ve used cleaning supplies a lot lately, or you have a pet that spends a lot of time outdoors. When you breathe in any of these harmful contaminants, you increase the risk of illnesses and irritation for both you and your family.

Some of the unfortunate symptoms of poor air quality can include respiratory problems, inflamed skin conditions (like eczema), escalated asthma, and a weakened immune system. Some of these are caused by the pollutants, like respiratory and immune problems. Others are caused by air that is too dry, such as itchy and irritated skin. Thankfully, there are ways to combat and avoid these problems.

Our experience over the years has shown us how to best achieve good indoor air quality for our customers in the Hickory, North Carolina area. We don’t want you to have to suffer from poor air quality longer than you have to, so let us offer our solutions to improving the air that is circulated through your home:

  • Humidifiers: Even though the humidity levels are higher in the Hickory area, that humidity doesn’t transfer to the level of moisture in your home. The moisture can be sapped by warm air from the outdoors or from your furnace, resulting in air circulation that is very dry. To combat this problem, you can consider regular humidifiers that can be easily moved from room to room and produce moisture for a specific area, or you can choose to install a whole-home humidifier that will work with your existing air circulation to distribute humidity throughout your entire home.
  • Dehumidifiers: However, if your home already has too much humidity, then consider a dehumidifier. Similar to humidifiers, dehumidifiers can come as portable appliances or be installed in your air system to affect your entire home. Dehumidifiers will suck out the excess moisture and allow drier air to flow through your home.
  • Air purifiers: If the main issue with your air quality is the harmful contaminants, then an air purifier would be perfect for you. Air purifiers trap the pollutants, thus eliminating them from your air and allowing clean air to be circulated.

For more information about improving your indoor air quality, give us a call at Lonon Heating, A/C and Air Quality today!

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